
Thank you for visiting our website!

The William Carey Baptist Association exists as a fellowship of churches, for the purpose of glorifying God by

  • carrying out the Great Commission,
  • assisting each church in equipping the disciples for ministry,
  • leading its churches to be doers of the Word and not hearers only within its borders and to the ends of the earth.

The objectives of the Association will be:

  • to promote the general missionary, benevolent and educational work as carried on by the Tennessee Baptist Convention and the Southern Baptist Convention,
  • to develop a mission strategy in consultation with the member churches of the Association,
  • to foster brotherly love and spiritual unity among the churches.

Our office hours are Monday through Thursday from 10:00AM to 3:00PM.  Stop by and say, "hello!"


Youth Leaders' Game Night

Do you teach Youth aged at your church?  Join other youth leaders for a Game Night!

WMU Quarterly Meeting

All ladies are invited!

Baptist Men's Buffet

Please note:  Originally scheduled for April 21st - has been rescheduled for April 28th. 

All men are invited!

  March 2025  
This Week's Events
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